General Information
VR Door class is a door which player can open. This actor is using VR Grab Component(See VR Grab Component). The class uses Physics Constraint Component to achieve physics interactions.
Body Physics Constraint - This is a Physics Constraint Component which connects door mesh(Door Body) with the door frame(Parent Actor variable).
Body Lock Physics Constraint - This is a Physics Constraint Component which locks the door mesh(Door Body) and the door frame(Parent Actor variable).
Door Body - This is a door body Static Mesh Component.
Door Audio Component - This is a Audio Componet which contains door sounds.
Lock - This is a lock Static Mesh Component.
Handle Physics Constraint - This is a Physics Constraint Component which connects handle mesh(Handle) with the door (Door Body).
Handle - This is a handle Static Mesh Component.
Handle Audio Component - This is a Audio Componet which contains a handle sounds.
Handle Box - This is a Box Component which has overlaps for checking whether or not hand is near the Handle Static Mesh Component.
Max Door Angle - This is a float variable which represents maximum door angle.
Max Handle Angle - This is a float variable which represents maximum handle angle.
Open Door Handle Angle - This is a float variable which represents the handle angle on reaching which door will open.
Door Closed Angle - This is a float variable which represents the door angle on reaching which door will clouse.
Lock Slide Limit - This variable is out dated and will be removed in the future releases.
Start Auto Close - This is a bool variable which makes door auto close.
Start One Side - This is a bool variable which makes door open in one side.
Start Flip Side - This is a bool variable which makes door flip open side.
Has Handle - This is a bool variable which indicates whether or not door has handle(Handle must have sockets).
Start Flip Side - This is a bool variable which makes door open on start.
Cant Go Thought - This is a bool variable which indicates whether or not player can go though the door.
Lock Move To - This is a vector variable which contains relative position of the lock(location to which it must move).
Is Locked - This is a bool variable which indicates whether or not door is locked on spawn.
Door Rotation Axies - This is a EAxis enum variable(See VR Variables) which indicates door direction axies.
Handle Rotation Axies - This is a EAxis enum variable(See VR Variables) which indicates Handle direction axies.
Inverse Door Angle Value - This is a bool variable which multiplies by -1 door angle value.
Inverse Handle Angle Value - This is a bool variable which multiplies by -1 handle angle value.
Parent Actor - This is a actor variable which indicates the parent(Can be a door frame etc).
Debug - Section contains bool variables for displaying values on the screen.
Door Sound Cue - This is a sound cue varialbe for door sounds.
Handle Sound Cue - This is a sound cue varialbe for handle sounds.
Interaction Animation - This is a animation variable for the grab handle animation.
Blueprint API Reference
Public Member Functions
Set Auto close
Sets auto close door status
bool auto_close
float Force = 50.f
float Velocity = 1.f
float Max_Force = 0.f
Set One Side
Makes door open in one side.
bool one_side
bool flip_side
Set Angle Limit
Sets door angle limit
float angle
Add Actor To Ignore
Adds actors to ingnore to the list.
AStaticMeshActor* ActorToIgnore
Clear Actors To Ignore
Set Parent
Sets door Parent(Door Frame etc.).
AStaticMeshActor* ParentActor
Close the door.
bool fast
Set Is Locked
Sets Loked Status
bool NewStatus
Get Is Locked
Sets Loked Status
bool bIsLocked
Get Angle Limit
Max door angle
float Max_door_angle
Get Is Opened
bool bIsDoorOpen
Get Has handle
bool Has_handle
Get Interaction Animation
UAnimSequence* InteractionAnimation
Public Attributes
class USceneComponent * RootScene
class UStaticMeshComponent * Door_Body
class USceneComponent * Handle_Origin
class UStaticMeshComponent * Handle
class UStaticMeshComponent * Lock
class UBoxComponent * Handle_Box
class UPhysicsConstraintComponent * Body_PhysicsConstraint
class UPhysicsConstraintComponent * BodyLock_PhysicsConstraint
class UPhysicsConstraintComponent * Handle_PhysicsConstraint
class UAudioComponent * HandleAudioComponent
class UAudioComponent * DoorAudioComponent