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🛠️Guide: VR Hands with Physics in Unreal Engine 5 Using the Head Mounted VR Plugin

Welcome to this step-by-step guide! We'll walk you through setting up VR hands with realistic physics in Unreal Engine 5 using the Head Mounted VR plugin. By leveraging the powerful UVR_HandComponent, you can create natural and responsive VR hand interactions, enhancing the user experience in your VR projects. This tutorial covers essential steps, including configuring hand physics, setting up finger inverse kinematics (IK), collision, and customizing visuals for an immersive VR experience.

Head Mounted VR Hand component for Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
Head Mounted VR Hand component for Unreal Engine 5

Table of Contents

Project Setup and Import 📁

Step 1: Download the Head Mounted VR Plugin

📥 Ensure you have downloaded the latest version of the Head Mounted VR plugin (Update 2.5) from FAB.

Head Mounted VR in FAB Library | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
Head Mounted VR in FAB Library

Step 2: Install the Plugin in Unreal Engine 5

🔧 Install the plugin into your Unreal Engine 5 project:

  • Go to Edit > Plugins in the Unreal Engine menu.

  • Search for Head Mounted VR, enable it.

  • Search for OpenXR and OpenXR Hand Tracking, enable them.

  • Restart Unreal Engine.

    Head Mounted VR in Plugins | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
    Head Mounted VR in Plugins
OpenXR in Unreal Engine Plugins | UE5
OpenXR in Unreal Engine Plugins

Step 3: Open Your Project

🚀 After restarting, open your project to start setting up VR hands with the UVR_HandComponent.

Creating the UVR_HandComponent Blueprint 🎨

Option 1: Create a New Blueprint

🆕 Create a new Blueprint of class UVR_HandComponent.

VR Hand Component | Head Mounted VR| UE5 | Unreal Engine 5|
VR Hand Component

Option 2: Use the Existing Blueprint

📂 Open the existing Blueprint provided in the Demo Content folder, which is preconfigured for easy setup.

VR Hand Blueprint  | Head Mounted VR | UE5 | Unreal Engine 5
VR Hand Component Blueprint

Open VR Hand Component Blueprint | Unreal Engine 5 | UR5
Open VR Hand Component Blueprint

Customizing Visuals🎨

The Visualization section in the UVR_HandComponent settings allows you to change the appearance of various VR hand elements.

VR Hand Component Visual Settings | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
VR Hand Component Visual Settings

Step 1: Customize the Hand Mesh

🖐️ Adjust the Hand Mesh to fit the style of your project. The default is SK_VR_Robot_Hand, but you can replace it with a custom hand model to achieve a unique look.

Step 2: Customize Interaction Visuals

🕹️ The Menu Cursor Mesh allows you to customize the cursor used for menu interactions, adding an immersive touch to the VR hand experience.

Step 3: Set Teleport and Room Scale Indicators

🚀 Customize the Teleport Cylinder Mesh and Teleport Arrow Mesh to create intuitive teleportation visuals.

Setting Up Animations and Finger Inverse Kinematics (IK) 🎬

The UVR_HandComponent includes an automated setup for finger inverse kinematics (IK), allowing for smooth and natural finger movements.

VR Hand Animation Animation Settings | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
VR Hand Component - Animation Settings

Step 1: Select Animation Blueprints For VR Hands

🎞️ Select animation Blueprints for both the hand and controller. Ensure the animation Blueprint is a child of UVR_HandAnimInstance.

VR Hand Animation Blueprints | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
VR Hand Animation Blueprints

Step 2: Choose Open and Closed Hand Animations

✋🤚 In the UVR_HandComponent settings, choose animations for the open(Stretched works the best) and closed hand states. These animations are essential for realistic VR hand interactions, such as grabbing and releasing objects.

Step 3: Set Tip Sockets for Each Finger

🔧 Under Tip Sockets, assign the socket positions on the skeleton for each fingertip, enabling precise finger movement.

VR Hand Skeleton Sockets | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
VR Hand Skeleton Sockets

Step 4: Adjust the Number of Finger Segments

⚙️ Specify the number of segments or traces for each finger. This controls the smoothness of finger bending, creating lifelike hand physics in VR.

Configuring Hand Physics and Constraints ⚙️

To create a realistic VR experience, configure the Hand Physics and Constraint Setup parameters in the UVR_HandComponent. The hand constraint system operates in two states:

  • Parent Dominant (PD): Active when the hand is not colliding with a surface or grabbing an object, synchronizing hand and controller movement without active physics.

  • Non-Parent Dominant: Engaged during collisions or interactions, allowing physics to influence hand movement.

VR Hand Component Physics | Unreal Engine 5 |  UE5
VR Hand Component Physics

Step 1: Set Linear and Angular Limits

📈 Linear Force Limit and Angular Force Limit control the maximum force applied to the hands. Fine-tune these to adjust the strength of VR hand interactions.

Step 2: Adjust Position and Velocity Strength

💪 Linear Position Strength and Angular Position Strength help maintain hand stability in VR, while Linear Velocity Strength and Angular Velocity Strength control responsiveness.

Step 3: Fine-Tune Interpolation and Drag

🎛️ Linear Position Interp Speed and Angular Velocity Interp Speed determine hand movement responsiveness. Use Min Drag settings to add smoothness and reduce jitter during interactions.

VR Hand Component Physics Constraint Parametrs | UE5 | Unreal Engine 5
VR Hand Component Physics Constraint Parametrs

Finger Collision Setup 🛡️

Proper finger collision setup is crucial for accurate interactions in VR.

VR Hand Component Finger Collision  | UE5 | Unreal Engine 5
VR Hand Component Finger Collision

Step 1: Specify Hand Collision Mesh

🖐️ Set up the Collision Mesh for the hand to enable precise interactions with objects in the environment.

VR Hand Component Collision | UE5 | Unreal Engine 5
VR Hand Component Collision

Step 2: Place Tip/Start Sockets

📍 Position the Start and Tip Sockets on the hand skeleton for each finger. This enables accurate collision detection and control, ensuring that fingers interact naturally with objects.

VR Hand Skeleton Sockets | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
VR Hand Skeleton Sockets

VR Grab Settings 🖐️

The Grab Settings section in the UVR_HandComponent allows you to control how the VR hand interacts with objects, including the speed, direction, distance, and feedback for a more immersive experience. Parameters are intuitive.

VR Hand Component Grab Settings | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
VR Hand Component Grab Settings

Debugging and Fine-Tuning VR Hand Setup 🔍

The UVR_HandComponent provides debug settings to help fine-tune VR hand interactions.

VR Hand Component Debug | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
VR Hand Component Debug

Step 1: Enable Debug Settings

🛠️ In the UVR_HandComponent settings, activate the debug options to visualize key interaction details.

Step 2: Test Collision, Grab Mechanics, and Finger IK

  • Collision Debugging: 🛡️ Visualize collision boundaries to ensure accuracy.

  • Grab Mechanics Debugging: 🤝 Adjust object-grabbing responsiveness.

  • Finger IK Debugging: ✋ Refine finger movements for a realistic VR experience.

Step 3: Make Adjustments Based on Observations

🔄 Use debug visuals to tweak physics settings for optimal performance.

VR Hand Component Debug Settings | Unreal Engine 5 | UE5
VR Hand Component Debug Settings

Final Thoughts on VR Hands with Physics in Unreal Engine 5 Setup 🤔

Setting up VR hands with realistic physics is essential for creating an immersive experience in Unreal Engine 5. With the Head Mounted VR plugin and its versatile UVR_HandComponent, you can achieve fluid, natural hand interactions in VR, consistent behavior and a polished look for your project.

🎉 Congratulations! You now have fully functional, physics-enabled VR hands in your Unreal Engine 5 project. Experiment with different settings and visuals to create a unique and engaging VR experience.

📢 Share Your Project: If you followed this guide and created something awesome, feel free to share your work in the Head Mounted VR community!

Keep exploring and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in VR! Your contributions make the VR community even more vibrant and innovative. Happy developing! 🚀

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