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Loading Handler

This is a loading class for transition between levels (Player will be teleported to the loading room and then to the selected level or streaming level).

Название класса:



Строки кода:


#include "Levels/Loading_Handler.h"



Общая информация


Loading Handler is an actor class which handles the transtion between levels. VR Player can be moved to the level or streaming level.


  • Player - This is a pointer on a child of VR Player class(See VR Player).

  • Loading Room Location - This is a vector variable which is a loading room location to which player will be teleported while waiting loading level.

  • Fade Screen On Load - This is a bool variable which fades a screen on loading.

  • Is Game On Start - This is a bool variable which indicates if the game is on start. If the value is set to true actor will load a streaming level with the string Menu Level Name.

  • Menu Level Name - This is a string variable. If Is Game On Start value is set to true actor will load a streaming level with the string Menu Level Name.


  • MoveToLevel - This function moves player to the loading room. Then moves player to the level.

  • MoveToStreamLevel - This function moves player to the loading room. Then loads a sub level and teleports a player to the location.

  • IsLoading - This function indicates if the player is in the loading room.

Справочник API Blueprint

Public Member Functions


   Moves player to the loading room. Then moves player to the level.
  FName LevelToLoad

   Moves player to the loading room. Then loads sub level and moves player to the location.
  FName LevelToLoad
  FVector SpawnLocation


  bool bIsLoading

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