Общая информация
VR Drawer class is a drawer with which player can interact.This actor is using VR Grab Component(See VR Grab Component). The class uses Physics Constraint Component to achieve physics interactions.
Drawer Body - This is a drawer body Static Mesh Component.
Handle Box - This is a Box Component which has overlaps for checking whether or not hand is near the Handle(Drawer Body Static Mesh Component).
Physics Constraint - This is a Physics Constraint Component which connects door mesh(Drawer Body) with the door frame(Parent Actor variable).
Slide Limit - This is a float variable which represents the maximum distance on which drawer can slide.
Start Auto Close - This is a bool variable which represents whether or not the drawer can auto close itself.
Start Auto Close - This is a bool variable which represents whether or not the drawer has handle.
FDirection - This is a vector variable which represents the side on which drawer should slide(from -1 means opposite direction).
Parent Actor - This is a actor variable which indicates the parent actor to connect.
Interaction Animation - This is a animation variable.
Actors To Ignore - This is a array of actor to ignore while moving.
Справочник API Blueprint
Public Member Functions
Set Auto Close
Sets auto close door status
bool auto_close
Get Lenght Limit
float slide_Limit
Set Length Limit
float Length
Add Actor To Ignore
Adds actors to ingnore to the list.
AStaticMeshActor* ActorToIgnore
Clear Actors To Ignore
Set Parent
Sets drawer Parent.
AStaticMeshActor* ParentActor
Public Attributes
class USceneComponent * RootScene
class UStaticMeshComponent * Drawer_Body
class UPhysicsConstraintComponent * PhysicsConstraint
class UBoxComponent * Handle_Box